Monday, December 12, 2011

Celebrate the Holidays or Fast?

Many know that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit happened on the day of Pentecost, but most do not know what this day meant for the Jews.
Pentecost was a feast established by God, but the spirit of religion took over this date, putting aside the spirit of faith. If everyone who worshiped at this feast was pleasing God, they would have received the Holy Spirit too.
During that time, Jerusalem was full of foreigners, because many traveled to the city to be with their families and others came for the fun of the festivities. In addition, they celebrated by giving gifts to the widows and the poor (Read Deuteronomy 16:11-12).

However, the 120 disciples who were oblivious to all this, preferred to stay in the Upper Room. Although people might have considered this an offense, being that they were breaking a tradition, they did not care if they were criticized or persecuted by others. They decided to ignore the traditional customs and involve themselves in a more sublime purpose: dedicate themselves 100% to God.

None of those who participated in the festivities received the Holy Spirit. Everyone that was in the Upper Room, separated from the religious festival, was baptized with the Spirit of God.

Those who were at the festivities felt a momentary "joy" caused by material things: wine, music, profits from trade, tourists, etc… However, their joy ended with the feast. The same happens nowadays. However, the 120 were sealed by God the Son, and their lives were never the same again.

Anyone can receive something from a man, for example: inheritance, money, advice, affection, help, etc… But the Holy Spirit is something that only God can give us. He is proof that there was a connection with the Creator Himself; it is a sign that the person is on the right path with God.
How can you doubt Him, after receiving Something so wonderful that no man, feast, money or anything else can give you?

Therefore, those who dedicate themselves during the 21 days of the Fast of Daniel at the Cenacles of the Universal Church will receive the Spirit of God.
Meanwhile, the world will be celebrating the pagan feast of Christmas.

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