Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fast of Daniel-Day 11

Sacrifice for LIFE
People have been aware of sacrifice since ancient times. It began in the Garden of Eden. The Almighty had to sacrifice an animal to cover up Adam and Eve’s nakedness, thereby replacing the fig leaves—the devil’s inspiration.

The fig leaves symbolize religion’s intent to cover up the nakedness of sin without sacrifice. In general, even evangelical churches do this. They seek to widen the door of the Kingdom of God with a doctrine void of sacrifice.
Was there no other way for the Lord to solve the problem of Adam and Eve’s nakedness other than the death of an animal? If there had been, He would have taken it. Was there a way to save humanity without the sacrifice of Jesus? If there had been, He would have done it. As you can see, sacrifice is not an option. From the very moment you decide to achieve something in life, you are obligated to open your hand and sacrifice.

The character of a thief rejects sacrifice. He prefers to prosper from other people’s sacrifices. Still, without intending to he risks his freedom and even his life to steal. Isn’t that also sacrifice?
A murderer would rather kill than forgive or let his victim go free.
A proud person chooses to hold on to his arrogance rather than humbling himself and apologizing.

There is no way out!
There is no area of our secular or spiritual lives in which sacrifice does not apply.
For a successful career you must be dedicated to your studies;
To get a monthly salary, you must work;
To maintain a healthy marriage, a couple has to sacrifice for each other;
To have an encounter with God, you must sacrifice your flesh;
To stay in the faith, you must sacrifice your will;
To receive the eternal salvation of your soul, you must sacrifice day after day.

Jesus said ... for whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life (sacrifice) for My sake will find it.
Matthew 16:25

At sporting events athletes usually make the sign of the cross before entering the field. In other words, they pray to avoid injury and win.

Others turn to witchdoctors and fortune-tellers.
Sacrifices were so necessary and effective that before certain nations went into battle in the past, their priests would even sacrifice children to attract the favor of their gods.
The history of the people of Israel documents that their sacrifices alone, saved them.

Though they had the covenant, were the chosen people, had the promises, and above all, had ancestors with accounts of faith, loyalty and commitment to God, in their time of need they still had to sacrifice to survive.
During a war with the Philistines, Saul felt pressured by circumstances, disobeyed the prophet Samuel and offered sacrifices to keep his army from deserting him.I Samuel 13.8-14

He did not have the authority to make those sacrifices. This was the exclusive task of the priests. However, moved by the spirit of fear he rushed to get it done. For this reason God regretted having made him king.

In those days to sacrifice before a battle guaranteed success. Knowing this, the soldiers charged against the enemy with absolute certainty of triumph. They knew the secret to victory was their sacrifices to God.

The devil and his children hate sacrifice. Not even when Jesus says: If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me (Matthew 16:24), do our “brothers” believe?

If you are not willing to follow this rule, there is no point in accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

The Lord Jesus demands three levels of sacrifice:

First: Deny yourself,
Second: Take up your cross and,
Third: Follow Him.

Which of the three is easiest? None.
All of them require sacrifice, sacrifice and more sacrifice.
To those who believe, go forward.
To those who do not believe, stay behind with the foolish virgins. 
Matthew 25:1-13

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