Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Difference

These days it’s impossible to testify of the Lord Jesus’ resurrection only through words. The world wants more than long speeches, more than emotional rituals. The world wants proof of His resurrection. And to prove that He is alive, we need a life of quality and a character unlike any other.

It’s not only about having testimonies of miracles we received, but behaving in a way that is beyond reproach – first at home, and then everywhere else. Unfortunately, many “Christians” behave well among friends and strangers, but around their family, they act out their old nature. Others are “holy” when they talk about the Word of God, but when it comes to doing business with brothers in faith, it’s dog-eat-dog. They are selfish, mean, stingy, cunning, and so on.

God is Just. His throne is based upon justice. “Woe to him who causes one of My little ones to stumble!” says the Lord.

We know that perfection is almost impossible. But we should behave, as much as possible, according to our belief. After all, if our character does not testify of the Lord Jesus, what’s the point of speaking about Him?

Bishop Edir Macedo

By Your Wounds

Isa 53:5
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” NKJV

The verse above is two sided, let me explain:
The bible says that by His wounds we are healed, meaning those who truly believe in Him and put His word into practice they are healed by His wounds. The other side here is that those who don’t believe in Him or rather choose to take their own path; by their own wounds they will be healed. The wounds of Jesus are only limited to those who believe and the rest will be healed by their own wounds. Typical example is that of infidelity. 

Col 3:18-19
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them. NKJV

Since either of them found it not worth it to keep God’s word but rather chose the way of infidelity if he/she wants to keep the marriage then he will have to endure all the beatings: yelling, harsh words, judgements, and deny himself of all his needs knowing that he is now a sheep on slaughter to save his marriage. In this case, the wounds of Jesus will not work for him since he disregarded them but his own wounds and pain (which we don’t know how long that will last) will assure his wife that he truly repented from his sin and truly loves her. Then the wife will be healed and regain trust and he himself will be healed and there goes the marriage again on a clean slate. To sum it up we can say that for every reaction coming from bad actions will lead to healing if you truly repent from your wrong doings, endure the consequences of your actions and begin to obey the word of God.

Why pay the price if Jesus already paid it for you?

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Two-way Street of Faith

Walk in the Spirit. This is a command from the Holy Spirit to His children and servants.

But how can we walk in the Spirit and not give in to the desires of the flesh? It seems impossible. And in fact, it is – as long as we lack a spiritual nature, as long as we are not born of the Holy Spirit.

Would God ask us to do the impossible?
I don’t think so, how about you?

The fact is, anyone born of the Spirit is spirit. Therefore, walking in the Spirit and overcoming the flesh are absolutely possible and even required. How do we walk in the Spirit? When our thoughts are connected with God’s thoughts on a daily basis, whatever belongs to the flesh loses its appeal.

This is why only those who are born of the Spirit overcome, not only the desires of the flesh but the world itself (John 5:4).
It’s worth mentioning that God gives us the right to ask for the impossible, but in return feels He has the right to insist that we do all we can possibly do, for our own good.

Many Christians don’t want Your Kingdom (obedience to God’s Word) but they want Him to come (God’s blessings).

Bishop Macedo

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Holy Spirit is given by Measure?

Why haven’t most Christians received the Holy Spirit if He has already been sent? What has stopped you from being sealed with the Holy Spirit? Is it your lack of faith, of merit, of a complete surrender? There are many reasons.
I believe the biggest obstacle that has prevented the Holy Spirit from pouring down upon the life of many has been their lack of a total commitment. Receiving Him means you receive His fullness or plenitude. Those who are willing to receive Him must be willing to sacrifice their lives. It is God’s all for your all.
Unfortunately, not everyone is truly willing to give up their life or their sins. They might accept Jesus as their Saviour, but they do not want Him as their lord. They want to enjoy a life without restrictions, without any serious commitments to anyone – not even Jesus.
We can’t tell who someone really is by what they show us on the outside, but the Holy Spirit looks deep inside, and reveals the absence of the Spirit of God in that person’s life. He pretends that Jesus is the lord and Saviour of his life. He pretends to be faithful to Him. He pretends to be spiritual. He pretends to seek Him. He pretends to be of God. He pretends, pretends and pretends… Years go by and he keeps pretending. There is a saying used by politicians that goes, “I’ll pretend I’m going to keep my word and you pretend to believe me. And we each help ourselves the best way we can.” of course the Spirit of God does not pretend to believe in someone’s surrender. But, because He knows what is truly deep within that person, He is saddened.
on the other hand, the devil enjoys it.And his life will indefinitely remain tied up. He will attend church meetings, be a tither, make vows, pray, cry out to God, but will continue refusing to give up the liberty to sin. Jesus said, “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides in Him.” (John 3:36)
Note: In the Bible, the word believe means unconditional surrender of the body, soul and spirit.

Bp. Macedo

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Receive the Holy Spirit in 7 Days

The outpouring of the Spirit of God means the beginning of a new life, free from any negative spirit, any problem involving your inner self: trauma, complex, bad temper, addictions, depression, hatred, desire to die, family, emotional and health problems, etc. Jesus said, “Behold I make all things new,” and that includes your life.
Join us this Sunday where you will receive 7 steps to receive the Holy Spirit during this special week (February 20th – 26th)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How to receive God's DNA

Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, led them up on a high mountain by themselves; and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” (Matthew 17:1-5)
Why did Jesus take only Peter, James and John to the Mount of Transfiguration? He chose them among His twelve disciples to testify of His transfiguration because of what they represented:
Peter symbolised decision. In spite of being a sinner and having many flaws, he was decisive, bold and always ready to face challenges. Every time the Lord Jesus challenged him, he was up for it. And a person can only be born of God when he is decisive.
James symbolised prayer, obedience and perseverance. In life, being “Peter” alone is not enough; we must also be prayerful, persevering and obedient.
John symbolised love, loyalty and faithfulness. He was with the Lord Jesus all the time, even when He was crucified. This demonstrates his gratitude, for he knew that he was no one without Jesus.
Every child of God needs to be transformed and have His image, according to His likeness. Although we are all God’s creation, not everyone has His character; this is because they have not yet known Him personally. According to the Lord Jesus, there three kinds of people in the world:
a) The children of the devil, who hear but do not put it into practice. They want to keep on doing what is wrong, loving what is wrong, be deceiving and violent…
b) Those who hear the Word of God, believe in Him, but unfortunately have not yet been born of Him; they are but God’s creation.
c) The children of God. For a person to become a child of God, there must be total surrender, and this can only happen when he does as Peter, James and John did.
God demands that we give all that we have so we can receive the Holy Spirit, because only through Him, will we have His “DNA”, that is, a godly nature. But in order to be able to receive His DNA, first we need to give Him our DNA. And when a person gives his DNA to God, even if he is a child of the devil, God will give him His DNA, that is, the Holy Spirit.
For this reason, we would like to invite all those who want to be transfigured to climb the altar and make a pact with God for the transformation of his life. The idea is that you give your DNA, represented by a strand of your hair, in order to receive the DNA of God.
On Sunday 12th February, we will climb the altar to give our DNA together with our determination, materialised through our voluntary offering. On this day, I will be broadcasting live from the same mountain where the Lord Jesus was transfigured, in the image and according to the likeness of the Son of God, ministering the transformation to the lives of all those who surrender themselves 100% to Him.

Bishop Celso Junior 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

5 qualities you should have

pencilimport Aboy was watching his grandmother writing a letter. Suddenly, he asked: "Are you writing about something that happened to us? Is it about me?"
The woman stopped and said to the boy: "I am writing about you, indeed. But you know, this pencil I'm using is more important than the words. I'd love you to be like it when you grow up."
The boy looked at the pencil but he didn't see anything special about it. "It's just like any old pencil I've seen before!"
"It all depends on the way you look at things. It's got five qualities like you, and if you can keep them for yourself, you will always be a person who makes a difference.
First quality:
You can do great things, but you should never forget that there's a hand that guides your feet. That's the hand of God, and you should always allow Him to guide you according to His will.
Second quality:
Sometimes, I have to stop what I am doing to sharpen the pencil. This might hurt the pencil a little bit, but in the end it becomes sharper. So learn to handle pain, because it can turn you into a better person.
Third quality:
A pencil always allows us to use an eraser to erase what is wrong. You should understand that to correct something that we've done wrong is not necessarily bad; instead, it keeps us on the path of righteousness.
Fourth quality:
What really matters in a pencil is not the wood or the shape, but the graphite that is inside. So, always pay attention to what happens inside of you.
Fifth quality:
It always leaves a mark. In the same way, know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so be mindful of your actions."
