Thursday, March 29, 2012

What is to have Character?

What is to have character? You do what's right when nobody is looking. You do what is right even when you know that nobody will discover what you did.
There are many who think that what defines the right is turning around, help yourself, to find a way to get things, no matter the means, and the only thing wrong is being caught. This is the definition of bad character.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Fear in Faith

I believe that there is nothing more valuable in this world than the assurance of our soul’s salvation. It was not, it is not and it will not be easy to fight the good fight and keep the faith. But God’s divine mercy has always found me.

What is the secret behind attaining and keeping your salvation? Obedience to the Word of God is what caused me to sacrifice the sins of my youth. It cost me to sacrifice idolising my mother, to forgive my oppressors, to run away from the wrong crowd, and to suffer injustices without being able to do anything about it…

During this long journey, I have carried my sacrificial cross on a daily basis. It was hard, but never beyond my limits. My salvation has always been the most important thing in my life, and I have taken no shortcuts or breaks. It’s been worth living through each sacrifice in order to keep my salvation. Keeping a clean conscience and moving forward without looking back, was and has been key in building the foundation of my faith.

Like an evil spirit, sin haunts its victim causing him to become discouraged and eventually disobeying. I have learnt that whomever we obey becomes our master.

If we obey sin, it becomes our master and an obstacle blocking God’s promises. If we obey the Word of God, then Jesus is our Lord and all His promises shall come upon us and overtake us (Deuteronomy 28:2).
I have learnt that faith in God has nothing to do with emotions. It can be summed up into the obedience of His Word. Summing up, by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, I have found a priceless pearl, a hidden treasure and have achieved my salvation. But it will only be definitely mine if I remain in the faith until death.

Bishop Edir Macedo

Friday, March 23, 2012

No Faith, No will to live, No anything

Do you know when a person thinks to themselves: “I’m completely lost, I have nothing left, there is nothing to lose, so it’s all or nothing, life or death. If I live, I live and if I die, I die.” And they decide to dive into the world of crime.

When a religious person is living in sin, he begins to think just like this criminal.

 “Since I’m already lost anyways, one more mistake or one less mistake won’t change my spiritual state. I have been going to church, I’ve kept my vows and nothing…

This kind of statement reminds me of the story of the young man and the harlot in Proverbs 7.6-23. And this is where people become discouraged and give up the fight. Many people say, “My faith is not like theirs. I feel empty and discouraged. I HAVE NO FAITH, NO WILL TO LIVE, NO ANYTHING… I have led a meaningless life. If God wants to help me, He has to do it on His own, because my strengths have faded away. Sometimes I feel like I’m in a quicksand pit and there is no way out. The more I move, the faster I sink. Who can help me?
Although you don’t have the strength to fight, you have the strength to continue living in sin, isn’t that right? The strength you have been using to sin can be used to make things right.
This is what we call faith.
Faith is power. It serves for good or for evil, depending on the will of its owner. Faith is obedience. When you use this power to obey the Word of God, your life will never be the same. Without this obedience to the Word of God, you will not see His results. Church attendance and loyalty to some easy things to practice are important.

However, nothing is more effective in solving problems than the sacrifice of sin. Sin neutralizes faith and hinders the action of the Holy Spirit. My Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, remove the spirit that has prevented Your people from thinking.

Bishop Edir Macedo

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


… in a righteous revolt

Because of His spiritual nature, Jesus was a Man of Revolt. He couldn’t have been any different; after all, He was possessed by the Spirit of Righteousness and would never submit to the dominion of the spirit of unrighteousness.

Everyone who possesses the Spirit of God is revolted against moral and spiritual corruption. For such people, it is unacceptable to have the Spirit of God and at the same time be subject to the injustices that come from hell.

Although God allows these things to happen, it does not mean they are His will. On the contrary, God has allowed the enemies of righteousness to attack His children, the children of Righteousness, so they can revolt against, fight and overcome them. This will awaken the faith of those who are sincere, yet are being misled. It will allow them to see that there is a living, Almighty God ready to deliver them.
This happened in the past. The Promised Land was not a free gift. Although it was a guaranteed promise, it had to be taken by force, that is, its conquest cost many lives. However, as the children of Israel moved forward, they took possession of that territory. God’s presence with them did not mean their journey would be easy. Today, it is no different. It has not been any different in my life either. Just as God exists, I know He is with me. However, my journey has never ever been easy. I am sure that you know at least one person who hates me, don’t you?

One fine day, many years ago, I complained to the lord, “Why has everything been so difficult for me? You know what my goals are and whom I am fighting for. Why must I face so many unfair obstacles?” At that very moment, the Holy Spirit answered, “The battle may be fierce, but victory is certain.” I immediately regained my strength and gave it my all. After all, I did not have, nor do I have anything to lose.

So here is some advice for all those who persecute me: I will break through! And whatever laws try to stop me will serve as a stepping stool for me to climb even higher. And if my lord allows you to kill me, know that the seeds I have sown will bear much more fruit than when I was alive.
God bless those who have a living faith in the living God!

God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day.” Psalm 7:11

Bishop Edir Macedo

Monday, March 5, 2012

Forced by Circumstances

 Forced by circumstances, Esau exchanged his rights as the firstborn and prince – replacing his father, Isaac – for a piece of bread and some lentil stew. He trusted in his strength and hunting skills. And because he disregarded God’s gift, he and his descendants were cursed.

Forced by circumstances, Sarah urged her husband Abram to sleep with her servant and have a son, which was normal at that time. later, after constantly being humiliated, Sarah had to kick out her servant, along with her son Ishmael. The Arab lineage – the enemies of Israel – began with him. They are rich in wealth, but poor of knowledge about the God of Israel.

Forced by circumstances, Saul disobeyed the lord and sinfully offered burnt offerings. “And Samuel said to Saul, ‘You have done foolishly. You have not kept the commandment of the Lord your God, which He commanded you. For now the lord would have established your kingdom over Israel forever. But now your kingdom shall not continue. The lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the lord has commanded him to be commander over His people because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you’” (1 Samuel 13:13,14).

Forced by circumstances,“Marta was distracted with much serving and she approached Him and said, ‘lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.’ And Jesus answered and said to her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her” (luke 10:40-42).

Forced by circumstances, Judas Iscariot accepted the offer of the chief priests and elders, betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver and then hung himself (Matthew 27:5).

Forced by circumstances, Ananias and Sapphira kept part of the money they received from selling a property they had previously donated to the church. They both died on the same day because they attempted to deceive the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:1).

You should ask yourself: What circumstances have forced me to go against my faith, peace of mind and principles, causing me to abandon my lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? Family? Money? Marriage? Social life? love life? Entertainment? Sex? Success? Fame? Friendships?

Answer yourself: Is it worth it?

Saturday, March 3, 2012


    It’s not fair that after years of doing everything by the book, you’re nowhere closer to the positive answer you’re waiting for.
· It’s not fair that you’re the one left picking up the pieces because your partner walked out on you.

· It’s not fair that you studied for years to be a professional but have nothing to show for it.

· It’s not fair that you’ve put so much into this business but get no return.

· It’s not fair that you’re labelled an unfit parent when you’ve given everything to keep your now tearaway teen on the straight and narrow.

· It’s not fair that you left everything for a better life but are actually living a more miserable life than ever.

· It’s not fair that you married him/her and your partner betrays you.

· It’s not fair that you are discriminated against because of your colour/background/age.

· It’s not fair that you’ve taken care of your health but now you’re stuck down with illness.

· It’s not fair that you were born into a dysfunctional family.

· It’s not fair that you left your country for a better life but you’re more miserable now than ever!

· It’s not fair that everything you’ve built seems to be crumbling before your very eyes.

If life has been unfair to you, read this:

“God is a Just Judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day.” Psalm 7.11

Many would tell you that life is unfair and that certain things simply have to be put up with. Others would tell you to wait on God and hope that He chooses to save you.

And yet, throughout history men and women of faith experienced amazing victories only after they got angry and made an intelligent, planned out revolt against their situations.

Do you feel life is unfair? Are you tired of problems running your life? We invite you to the Day of Revolt where like-minded people will come together to change their lives and get justice from God.

Event: Rally of the Angry
Date: Sunday 18th March
Time: 9.30am (Also 7:30am)