Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Authority of Supernatural Faith

Just as faith has the authority of God to deliver those who believe, doubts also have the authority of evil to enslave those who do not believe. Therefore, there will only be fullness of life while faith is exercised.

Supernatural faith: A life based on faith bars any type of spiritual problem.
Insomnia, fear, nervousness, depression, addictions, anxiety, constant headaches, suicidal thoughts, trauma, failed relationships and insecurities are symptoms of negative spiritual forces.

Spirit of doubt: How many promising businesses have gone down the drain because of doubts? How many marriages have been destroyed because of empty suspicions?

How many tragedies occur because of decisions made during a state of doubt?
Only faith that is practised has the power to neutralise the deadly doubts of everyday life. It has nothing to do with the practice of religion. Faith is the authority of God to be used against any and all evil. With faith, there is no uncertainty, fear, trauma or weakness.


Those who live in doubt hope for luck. And while they wait, misfortune occupies its place. Luck and chances have the same origins, life passes and their victims have no future. Doubt is the wife of evil, and the mother of failure. It is a negative faith.
Its goal is to spread terror, destruction and death.
On the other hand, faith transforms the present and projects the future. It is the authority of God to overcome evil.

But we must practise it.

Bp Edir Macedo

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